Texas A&M Study Details
NanoPro was evaluated as an additive to Thidiazuron and Folex for improved cotton defoliation by Gaylon Morgan, State Extension Cotton Specialist at Texas A&M University in collaboration with Aqua- Yield (Draper, UT). The study was replicated in two fields, one irrigated and one non-irrigated. Application rates of active ingredients were reduced to better evaluate additive effectiveness and potential cost savings. Thidiazuron was applied at 2.4 oz/acre and Folex at 12 oz/acre at the 100% rate, and 1.2 oz/acre and 6 oz/acre respectively at the 50% rate. A non-ionic surfactant (NIS) at the rate of 0.25% was compared to NanoPro at 4 oz/acre.

NanoPro added to the regular treatment blend of Thidiazuron and Folex resulted in improved cotton defoliation and decreased regrowth in all treatments. In both the irrigated and non-irrigated fields, the 50% Regular+NanoPro treatment provided excellent and statistically similar control to the 100% Regular+NIS and 100% Regular+NanoPro treatments. In the irrigated field, regrowth was similar between all treatments (data not shown). In the non-irrigated field, the 50% rates resulted in more re-growth. In conclusion, NanoPro performance was superior compared to NIS for cotton defoliation, and may allow for drastic savings on active ingredient costs.
4.4# cotton/ac covers the cost of NanoPro® versus
14# cotton/ac cost of aerial application
*$0.57/lb cotton, $2.50/ac NanoPro, $8/ac aerial application
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We're a trusted boots-on-the-ground partner who'll help you test and prove our products on your acreage. And we provide the answers and products you need in a timely way.
The nanotechnology company
9180 S. Sandy Parkway
Suite D
Sandy, UT 84070
(801) 449-9220