Applications of cotton defoliants with 4 oz/ac NanoPro® makes harvest easier, resulting in higher grade cotton. In irrigated and non-irrigated trials NanoPro is proven to significantly increase the efficiency of cotton defoliants. At less than $3.50/acre, cotton growers find NanoPro an affordable tool for faster defoliation and decreasing regrowth.
Below are some NanoPro cotton defoliation University trials:
Collaborator: Louisiana State University
Location: St. Joseph, Louisiana
Application Type: Foliar, Crop Protection
Nano-Yield Product: 4 oz/ac NanoPro®
Additional Product: 2.4 oz/ac Thidiazuron, 6 oz/ac Folex, 22 oz/ac Ethephon
The addition of NanoPro improved defoliation and reduced regrowth of cotton while increasing the number of open bolls. The effects on defoliation and regrowth were seen starting at 7 days after application (DAA) and continued through 21 DAA. Boll opening was similar by 21 DAA.
Collaborator: Texas A&M
Location: Snook, Texas
Application Type: Foliar, Crop Protection
Nano-Yield Product: 4 oz/ac NanoPro®
Additional Product: 2.4 oz/ac Thidiazuron, 12 oz/ac Folex, 0.25 % v/v NIS
NanoPro improved defoliation in all treatments for irrigated and non-irrigated cotton. At a reduced 50% chemical rate, the treatment with NanoPro maintained adequate defoliation while defoliation reduced significantly without NanoPro.
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We're a trusted boots-on-the-ground partner who'll help you test and prove our products on your acreage. And we provide the answers and products you need in a timely way.
The nanotechnology company
9180 S. Sandy Parkway
Suite D
Sandy, UT 84070
(801) 449-9220