Adding our nanotechnology products into your current fertility and crop protection program is easy; our solutions enhance the efficiency of your crop inputs without disrupting your current approach.


NanoPro® is a new type of adjuvant that increases performance of systemic and translaminar pesticides.


Nanoliquid® products promote increased yield and quality by driving nutrients into roots and leaves through a unique delivery method.


Nano-Yield™ offers products to keep crops healthy during drought and high pest pressure, providing insurance for your crop.


Ask your Nano-Yield™ sales representative about NanoCote™ granular fertilizer coating technology.

Featured sugar beet products


NanoPro carrier adjuvant increases uptake of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and PGR products using a unique mode of action.


NanoN+ is designed to protect and carry nutrients in liquid solution to improve efficiency and reduce waste.



NanoK delivers vital potassium to crops using nanoliquid technology and a potassium acetate formulation superior for foliar uptake.

NanoCote Core

NanoCote Core can be applied to your nitrogen, phosphorus, or dry potash  fertilizer blends to improve nutrient uptake and efficiency.

How our nanoliquid technology products work


Add your water and water conditioners, your crop input, then nanoliquid product.


Nanoparticles load and deliver thousands of nutrients and molecules at once.


Deliver up to 25% more with

nanoliquid products.

What to expect

Nanoliquid products are a proven tool to help famers better manage their planting programs.

Sugar beet growers see the highest return on investment when adding nanoliquid products with in season fungicide applications paired with NanoK.

  • Better disease control
  • Higher sugar content
  • Higher yield

NanoK is compatible with most fungicide products and can be applied as frequently as desired.


Nano-coating technology for granular fertilizer

  • Coats every particle with nanotechnology 
  • Significantly reduces dust and buildup
  • Enhances soil moisture and nutrient dispersion
  • Increases nutrient uptake and yield
  • Designed for regenerative agriculture
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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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The first year we tried a few different rates and combinations of Calcine® and Aqua-Yield® products within a 160 acre sugar beet field to now this year we will use Calcine® and 5 different Aqua-Yield® products on every acre of sugar beets we plant. We use the NanoCS®, which is in with Calcine® and our regular starter in sugar beets. Throughout the year, when we’re spraying Roundup®, we use the NanoPro® to help with the efficacy of that. Later in the year when we're doing some Cercospra spraying, we add in the NanoK® to all three applications to help boost the late season sugar percentage in the sugar beets.

We've tried 14 different combinations and we've never had any issues with volatility, crop injury or mixing, so that's been a key reason we've kept using it. The bottom line on it is that it's not adding any salt to the soil, which almost every fertilizer is salt based in some aspects. We've seen improvements in all our crops.

Sevrin Anderson
Anderson Farms • ND

NanoK® should be applied at 4 oz per acre with Cercospora and herbicide spraying at least three times during the bulking stage of growth. Timely applications of this potassium acetate nanoliquid™ provides that boost to increase sugars. Growers are consistently seeing a 0.5-0.75% increase in sugars with the addition of 4 oz of NanoK nanoliquid applied three times.

Tom Vander Heiden
St Biologicals • MN

Increasing sugar content in sugar beets has always been a challenge for sugar beet growers until now. Applications of NanoK® on sugar beets with other spray applications has shown to increase sugar by as much as .75 points. The payback for the producer has been a $17 investment and a return per acre of over $100 for the additional sugar harvest. 

Darcy Erickson
Erickson Custom Operations • ND

Feature Videos

Sugar Beet Data


By Jenny Phillips, Director of Marketing October 30, 2024
Sevrin Anderson, a sugar beet grower from Drayton, North Dakota, discusses another successful harvest after using nanotechnology and other key products to push yield and more sugar content. Anderson works with Erickson Custom Operations, distributor of Nano-Yield products.
By Jenny Phillips, Director of Marketing September 10, 2024
Erickson Custom Operations of Colgate, ND recently hosted their annual field day where growers could learn more about innovative products like nanoliquid® technology. Sevrin Anderson of Drayton, ND discusses his success using Aqua-Yield products on his sugar beet farm.
By Jenny Phillips, Director of Marketing September 9, 2024
Using nanoliquid® technology on sugar beets has proven to be highly successful over the past several years across the states. Whether a grower is looking to boost sugar content or increase the efficiency of their crop protection, adding just 4 oz/ac of nanoliquid® technology to the tank has been an affordable and powerful tool in maximizing yield and sugar content.
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