The best nitrogen efficiency solution for

NanoN+® is designed to protect and carry nutrients in liquid solution to improve nitrogen efficiency and reduce waste. NanoN+® enhances plant nutrient uptake and availability for liquid nutrient formulations.

Nanoliquid® products are patented and an environmentally sustainable crop solution for improving plant uptake of agricultural inputs.

NanoN+®: NOW PFR PROVEN through Beck’s

Nano-Yield is excited to announce that after 3 years of rigorous testing through Beck’s Practical Farm Research Program (PFR), NanoN+ is now “PFR PROVEN”. 

For a third year in a row, NanoN+ has proven to be an excellent option when adding to UAN corn starter applications.  This year produced a $7.92 ROI, with an overall 3-year average $17.54 ROI.

3rd Year Precision Planting PTI Trials with NanoN+®

The Precision Technology Institute provides you with the chance to see the latest technologies in action and learn insights to apply on your own operation. Trials are conducted on 400+ acres of agronomic trials in Pontiac, IL.  Nano-Yield is proud to be a partner for a third year, and is excited to showcase some of the trial results:

  • A single application of NanoN+ applied at planting with 20 gal/ac of UAN resulted in an increase of 5.8 bu/acre and a ROI of $19.28 per acre.  This has resulted in a three-year average ROI of $27.16.
  • 6 oz/ac NanoN+ was tested with Conceal system dual band treatments of Marco NutriStart BOOST, resulting in an additional +2.1 bu/ac at a $17.50 ROI.

How does it work?


Nano-Yield is an award winning nanoliquid company founded by growers, for growers. Our goal is to help provide the tools growers need to be successful through the use of revolutionary nanoliquid technology.

For more information on this ground-breaking technology, contact us using the form below:

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